Brown Trout Salmo trutta
Local names: Rainbow trout, sea trout
The Brown Trout or ‘Rainbow’ Trout was introduced into the Falklands where it has flourished probably at the expense of the smaller local ‘zebra’ trout, having spread naturally through many of the island’s rivers and waterways. It is absent from most of the Lafonia section of East Falklands nor is it in the southern section of West Falklands waterways that run into Port Philomel. On the West Chartres River and Warrah River are both excellent places to catch brown/ sea trout as is the San Carlos River and Murrell River on the East. The trout fishing season runs from 1st September to the 30th April.
Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides
Local name: Chilean sea bass (not actually a sea bass but a Southern Rock Cod, family Nototheniidae)
This finfish occurs at depths between 45m (148 ft) and 3850m (12631 ft) of the cold, temperate South Atlantic and Southern oceans, inhabiting seamounts and continental shelves around sub- Antarctic islands. This is a deep- sea demersal fish (living near the sea bed), is found in shallower water when young but moving to deep water as it gets older. At 10- 12 years and approaching 1 m long, the fish becomes a mature breeding adult. This species is thought to live up to 50 years and can reach a length of up to 2.3m (7.5 ft), with large adults weighing over 100 kg, although the average weight of a caught Patagonian toothfish is 6-10kg. Toothfish feed mainly on squid, fish and prawns and are themselves preyed upon by sperm whales, Southern elephant seals and colossal squid. There is a huge commercial market for this fish. In the USA it is known as Chilean sea bass, in Chile and Japan it is mero and in Argentina and Uruguay it is merluza negra. The meat is good to eat, with firm white flesh, is nutritious, and high in Omega-3 oils. Due to its slow maturity and commercial value, the Chilean sea bass is vulnerable and often subject to illegal fishing. The Falklands allows a quota 1200 metric tonnes of this fish to be harvested per year.
Sources include: Wildlife of the Falkland Islands amd South Georgia - Ian J Strange , Falkland Islands Freshwater Fishes- R. M. McDowall, R.M. Allibone & W. L. Chadderton
Photographic credits: Robert Maddocks
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